Master Plans
With funding provided by the City of Saskatoon, Meewasin will be continuing with the initial phases of work within the Northeast Swale.
Work in 2021 included additional interpretive and trailhead signage, additional wildlife friendly fencing and access gates, and ongoing restoration in the recreation zone and adjacent to new trail developments.
Continued efforts in the Northeast Swale will include ongoing conservation programs which include prescribed fires and targeted conservation grazing. Please keep an eye on Meewasin’s social media and newsletter for announcements regarding these projects and more.
Saskatoon’s northeast sector is undergoing significant development as the City grows. The Meewasin Trail in this area is incomplete with gaps between Sutherland Beach and Crocus Prairie, and now the missing connection to the Chief Mistawasis Bridge.
Meewasin is undertaking a process to better understand the area and develop a comprehensive primary trail network that will reach from the Circle Drive North Bridge to the Chief Mistawasis Bridge. This will include providing backshore trail connections to adjacent neighbourhoods and important features such as the Meewasin Northeast Swale. The first stage of the project is to develop a conceptual level trail alignment for this corridor.
More detailed design and phased in construction will be undertaken in future years as funding becomes available.
Maple Grove