Meewasin Turns 45

45th Birthday Cards

2023 – 2024 Annual Report

Land Acknowledgement

Meewasin is located on Treaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis. We humbly acknowledge the traditional caretakers of the land and honour the First Nations and Métis people of this place.

Mission & Principles

Mission The Meewasin Valley Authority exists to ensure a healthy and vibrant river valley, with a balance between human use…

Mission & Principles


miýwâsin is nȇhiyawȇwin/Cree for ‘it is beautiful’  Meewasin is a non-profit organization that exists to ensure a healthy and vibrant…

Invasive Species Removed


Friends of the Valley


Projects Completed


2023 Trail Visits


Neck Gaiter
Neck Gaiter
Wildflowers of the Meewasin Valley Tote Bag
Wildflowers of the Meewasin Valley Tote Bag
Meewasin Hat
Meewasin Hat
Meewasin Water Bottle
Meewasin Water Bottle
