Meewasin uses prescribed fire as a tool to achieve a range of resource management objectives. Some of the objectives include native grassland restoration, invigoration of native species, increased biodiversity, and invasive species management. Prescribed fire can be utilized across varying landscapes such as native grasslands, forests and croplands.

The Canadian Prairies Prescribed Fire Exchange was developed by Meewasin and several partners with the goal of making prescribed fire training and knowledge more accessible to everyone. Encouraging the safe and responsible use of this time-honored practice allows us to connect with the culture of the lands and its early caretakers as well as ensuring healthy future landscapes. To learn more about prescribed fire and how to get involved, please check out the links and the video below.
Read Meewasin’s Prescribed Fire Blog
The Difference Between a Prescribed Fire and Wildfire
Prescribed Burning – Just What the (Range) Doctor Ordered