Calling out to the citizens of Saskatoon and those who love the Meewasin Valley.
Over the years Meewasin has been recognized locally and internationally as an example of what a community can do to conserve a river valley for now and future generations. We are guardians of this resource, and we couldn’t be what we are today if it wasn’t for Meewasin’s volunteers.
The willingness to volunteer is to be a supporter of Meewasin. That is significant. Volunteers at Meewasin are a valuable asset to Saskatoon’s river valley and our Volunteers play an important role in Meewasin’s mission and objectives.
We host two public volunteer events a month on the third Saturday and following Monday as well as a variety of “Pop-up” activities. All volunteer activities at Meewasin are dependent on a variety of factors, namely what will help relieve the various departments and their goals at the time.
Selections for volunteers are made based on Meewasin’s needs, and volunteer skill sets. Some roles may need more volunteers while others require only a few. Some roles may require more training and supervision.
Most volunteer activities depend on their seasonality. In the fall, we’ll do a lot of tree wrapping. In the summer, invasive species removal is important. And in the winter, digital archiving of documents and wildlife tracking come up a lot. A big one happens in the spring as our clean-up campaigns will be back in full swing and so will the planting of native species.
Schools, groups, businesses and other organizations can also enquire with us about arranging their own private volunteer programs. Often, we have specialized programs for volunteers with certain skill sets.
We can never thank our volunteers enough; our volunteers are the life source of this organization. Volunteer Appreciation Week runs during the last week of November with certificates sent out and prizes awarded to various volunteers.
There are two types of volunteers; those that take the opportunity to give something back to the community and make a difference for people around them and those that the opportunity provides them the chance to develop new skills or build on existing experience or knowledge. No matter the reason we volunteer, either way is win-win for our communities,
Having those that utilize the vibrant river valley involved in its conservation promotes the understanding required to keep the development within the concept and strategic plan proceeding forward.
Volunteering with Meewasin does not mean operating in a void. Meewasin Department staff are always onsite to support and guide our volunteer groups as well as providing the resources to complete tasks in a timely and accurate fashion.
- Volunteer involvement is vital to a just and democratic society
- Volunteer involvement is vital for a strong and connected communities
- Volunteer involvement builds the capacity of organizations
- Volunteer involvement is personal
- Volunteering is about building relationships
- To learn about Meewasin’s goals, and organization
- To receive comprehensive training
- To receive comprehensive training on health and safety policies
- To receive guidance and direction and support from supervising Meewasin staff
- To have questions answered and concerns voiced (surveys, forums, and opportunities for input)
- To be recognized for contributions
- To a safe and healthy place of work
- To refuse work if it is deemed unsafe
- To a supportive environment
- To a meaningful volunteer experience
- To provide feedback and to receive feedback
- To act with respect for the cause, community, and organization
- To act responsibly and with integrity
- To fulfill the duties of the role as defined in volunteer description
- To complete duties promptly and reliably
- To accept the guidance and decisions made by the volunteer coordinator
- To respect all policies and rules in place
- Notify staff if they are unable to complete their tasks
- To provide feedback on experience
- To display a willingness to learn and participate in orientation, training, and meetings they are invited