Application Fees
The development review fee is based on the construction value of the improvement as follows:
Construction Value | Under $500,000 | $500,000 to $2,000,000 | Over $2,000,000 |
Fee | $1250 | $1750 | $2750 |
1. The following information is required with all applications submitted:
- Completed application form;
- Application fee (dependent on value of project) payable by cheque or credit card.
Cheques must be made payable to Meewasin Valley Authority. Contact for more payment information.
- Proof of ownership or legal interest in the property;
- Location map showing the site of the improvement and the relationship to the site including adjacent properties, buildings, facilities and important natural features;
- Design drawings and plans including:
- Plan of proposed site improvements
- Contour lines (existing and proposed)
- All elevations for buildings, trails, slopes, etc.
- At least two (2) sections (for a building)
- 3D renderings showing both summer and winter perspectives
- Construction impact plans showing full geographic extent of disturbance, including staging
- Pedestrian and cycling access routes during construction
- Communications and public consultation plan
- List of sustainability features and considerations
- Landscape planting plan identifying native species, including forbs, grasses, trees and shrubs to be retained, and all vegetation removed and replanted.
- Full set of construction drawings. These can be submitted when available, but must be submitted prior to start of construction.
The following information may be requested:
- Environmental Assessment Report (MVA Policy: 2.1.1)
- Geotechnical Report (MVA Policy 3.1.1)
- Hydrological Report (MVA Policy 5.1.1)
- Traffic Report (MVA Policy 8.1.1)
- Parking Report (MVA Policy 8.3.1)
- Heritage Resources Report (MVA Policy 10.1.1)
- Any other information, models or specifications that the Meewasin Valley Authority may require as part of the review.
2. Applicants will be contacted to confirm their application has been received and advising of the date and time of the Development Review and Board meetings at which the application will be considered. Applicants will be asked to make a presentation at the Development Review meeting to the Development Review Committee. Presentations are limited to five minutes.
3. Applicants will be advised in writing as to the recommendation going to the Meewasin Valley Authority Board. Applicants are strongly encouraged to make a five-minute presentation at the Board meeting. There are three possible outcomes when an application is reviewed. The Authority may decide to:
- Approve the application as submitted;
- Approve the application but make it subject to any terms or conditions deemed appropriate; or
- Deny the application.
**Please note that any conditions of the approval must be satisfied prior to the start of construction**