Advisory Committees

The Meewasin Board of Directors is advised on matters of policy by the following advisory committees comprised of members of the public: Development Review, Conservation, Education and Fund Development. Public ownership in decision making is one of Meewasin’s five guiding principles.

When advisory committees vacancies arise, Meewasin posts a public call for applicants.

Current Opportunities

Conservation Advisory Committee Volunteer Position

To apply, send your CV to by April 30, 2025

The Conservation Advisory Committee supports the Board’s strategic priorities and goals and assist in its work to ensure the health of the Meewasin Valley by reviewing and advising on plans in the following areas:

a) policies related to conservation (meaning the identification, assessment, protection and appropriate sustainable use of natural and heritage resources);
b) whether valley wide and site-specific resource management plan activities are planned in alignment with the Resource Management Plan;
c) land securement opportunities;
d) systems to monitor performance in the areas of biodiversity, ecosystem services, and resource management; and
e) public needs in the area of resource conservation.

a) The committee shall consist of no fewer than six members to be appointed by the Board.
b) Quorum is required for committee meetings. Quorum is defined as at least 50% of the serving members.
c) The committee shall include, but not be limited to:

  • a Meewasin board member;
  • representatives from partners and community groups with an interest in resource conservation;
  • experts in the fields of ecology and environmental analysis, biology, agriculture, GIS, ecological monitoring, water resource management, and cultural heritage;
Current Committee Members are:
  • Erika Quiring - Chair
  • Adrienne Tastad
  • Cameron Wood
  • Candace Savage
  • David Kirton – Board Representative
  • Jonathan Bennett
  • Paige Straf
  • Ryan Brook
  • Shelby Redman
The Development Review Committee is created under The Meewasin Valley Authority Act to provide professional and unbiased recommendations regarding the acceptability of proposed improvements within the Meewasin Valley. The Act requires that the board consider the recommendation of the committee before making a decision on a development review application. The Act prescribes that the committee shall include, at least:
  • Two architects;
  • Two planners;
  • Two engineers, one which must be a geotechnical engineer or professional geoscientist; and
  • A landscape architect.
Current Committee Members are:
  • Mitch Strocen (Chair)
  • Jason Surkan
  • Steven Huntley
  • Katherine Currie
  • Kevin Mathison
  • Paula Kotasek-Toth
  • Marilyn Gould
  • James Peirce
The Education Advisory Committee assists the Board in its task to instill experiential, natural, and cultural education, and research and experiences in the valley by advising the Board on policy development in these areas and assisting the Board to monitor the achievement of these objectives.

Current Committee Members are:
  • Alec Aitken
  • Kurtis Boyer (Board Representative)
  • Josh Davidson
  • Terri Fradette (Chair)
  • Brent Hills
  • Jeff O’Brien
  • Darby Sutherland
  • Fran Walley
The Fund Development Cabinet actively participates in delivering a fund development plan to generate philanthropic revenue in support of the mission and mandate of the Meewasin Valley Authority; to Conserve, Develop and Educate in the Meewasin Valley

Meewasin reaches out for support from the public and private sector to accomplish its goals around conservation, trail development and education projects. Approximately 35% of Meewasin's annual revenue comes from generous donors, sponsors from the business community and granting agencies. On average, for every dollar spent by Meewasin over the past 38 years, just 18 cents has come from our founding partners (tax dollars). This means Meewasin attracts 82 cents of every dollar it spends from private or business sources! Not a bad return on investment!

Another way the citizens and business leaders of Saskatoon and area have shown their support for Meewasin is to help attract funding by sharing their time, expertise and community connections with Meewasin.

We thank our current Fund Development Cabinet which is working hard to help Meewasin find supporters for future projects and programs. They are:

  • Sandi Schultz (Chair)
  • Dale Botting
  • Dave Neuberger
  • Evan Howlett
  • Eric Cline
  • Pauline Melis
  • Michael Voralia
  • Bob Halliday
  • Robin Chapman
  • Ryan Walker
  • Susan Lamb
  • Jane Benjamin